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import osdef fetch(data):    print('\033[1;41m这是查询功能\033[0m')    print('\033[1;41m用户数据\033[0m', data)    backend_data = 'backend %s' %data    with open ('lala.conf', 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as read_f:        tag = False        ret = []        for read_line in read_f:            if read_line.strip() == backend_data:                tag = True                continue            if tag and read_line.startswith('backend'):                break            if tag:                ret.append(read_line)    return retdef add():    passdef change(data):    print("这是修改功能")    backend = data[0]['backend']   #文件中的一条记录 www.oldboy1.org    backend_data = 'backend %s' %backend    old_service_recode = '%sservice %s %s weight %s maxconn %s\n' % (' '*8,data[0]['record']['service'],                                                                     data[0]['record']['service'],                                                                     data[0]['record']['weight'],                                                                     data[0]['record']['maxconn'])    new_service_recode = '%sservice %s %s weight %s maxconn %s\n' % (' ' * 8, data[1]['record']['service'],                                                                     data[1]['record']['service'],                                                                     data[1]['record']['weight'],                                                                     data[1]['record']['maxconn'])    print('用户想要修改的记录是%s' % old_service_recode)    res = fetch(backend)    if not res or old_service_recode not in res:        return '你要修改的文件不存在'    else:        index1 = res.index(old_service_recode)        res[index1] = new_service_recode    res.insert(0, '%s\n'%backend_data)    with open('lala.conf', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as read_f, open('lala_new.conf', 'w', encoding = 'utf8') as write_f:        tag = False        has_write = False        for read_line in read_f:            if read_line.strip() == backend_data:                tag = True                continue            if tag and read_line.startswith('backend'):                tag = False            if not tag:                write_f.write(read_line)            else:                if not has_write:                    for record in res:                        write_f.write(record)                    has_write = True    os.rename('lala.conf', 'sb')    os.rename('lala_new.conf', 'lala.conf')    os.remove('sb')def delete():    passif __name__ == '__main__':    msg = '''    1: 查询    2: 添加    3: 修改    4: 删除    5: 退出    '''    msg_dic = {        '1': fetch,        '2': add,        '3': change,        '4': delete    }    while True:        print(msg)        choice = input('请输入你的选项:').strip()        if not choice:continue  #如果输入为空或者回车,将重新输入        if choice == '5': break        data = input('请输入你的数据:').strip()        if choice != '1':            data = eval(data)        res = msg_dic[choice](data)        print(res)

  数据输入:[{'backend':'www.oldboy1.org', 'record': {'service':'','weight':20,'maxconn':30000}},{'backend':'www.oldboy1.org','record': {'service':'','weight':30,'maxconn':4000}}]



import osdef fetch(data):    print('\033[1;41m这是查询功能\033[0m')    print('\033[1;41m用户数据\033[0m', data)    backend_data = 'backend %s' %data    return func(backend_data)def func(backend_data, res = None, type = 'fetch'):    if type == 'fetch':        with open ('lala.conf', 'r', encoding = 'utf-8') as read_f:            tag = False            ret = []            for read_line in read_f:                if read_line.strip() == backend_data:                    tag = True                    continue                if tag and read_line.startswith('backend'):                    break                if tag:                    ret.append(read_line)        return ret    elif type =='change':        with open('lala.conf', 'r', encoding='utf-8') as read_f, open('lala_new.conf', 'w', encoding='utf8') as write_f:            tag = False            has_write = False            for read_line in read_f:                if read_line.strip() == backend_data:                    tag = True                    continue                if tag and read_line.startswith('backend'):                    tag = False                if not tag:                    write_f.write(read_line)                else:                    if not has_write:                        for record in res:                            write_f.write(record)                        has_write = True        os.rename('lala.conf', 'sb')        os.rename('lala_new.conf', 'lala.conf')        os.remove('sb')def add():    passdef change(data):    print("这是修改功能")    backend = data[0]['backend']   #文件中的一条记录 www.oldboy1.org    backend_data = 'backend %s' %backend    old_service_recode = '%sservice %s %s weight %s maxconn %s\n' % (' '*8,data[0]['record']['service'],                                                                     data[0]['record']['service'],                                                                     data[0]['record']['weight'],                                                                     data[0]['record']['maxconn'])    new_service_recode = '%sservice %s %s weight %s maxconn %s\n' % (' ' * 8, data[1]['record']['service'],                                                                     data[1]['record']['service'],                                                                     data[1]['record']['weight'],                                                                     data[1]['record']['maxconn'])    print('用户想要修改的记录是%s' % old_service_recode)    res = fetch(backend)    if not res or old_service_recode not in res:        return '你要修改的文件不存在'    else:        index1 = res.index(old_service_recode)        res[index1] = new_service_recode    res.insert(0, '%s\n'%backend_data)    func(backend_data,res = res, type = 'change')def delete():    passif __name__ == '__main__':    msg = '''    1: 查询    2: 添加    3: 修改    4: 删除    5: 退出    '''    msg_dic = {        '1': fetch,        '2': add,        '3': change,        '4': delete    }    while True:        print(msg)        choice = input('请输入你的选项:').strip()        if not choice:continue  #如果输入为空或者回车,将重新输入        if choice == '5': break        data = input('请输入你的数据:').strip()        if choice != '1':            data = eval(data)        res = msg_dic[choice](data)        print(res)



